Full Moon in Aquarius

Wow, this has been an intense week, specially energetically speaking. I don’t know if you are feeling the same way. With Lions Gate Portal this past Monday, an immense pressure to manifest and visualize was put on our shoulders. If you felt the energy and impulse to do it, weather it was journaling, creating vision boards, or any other tool you use, that is amazing. If you didn’t, know that it is okay as well. The way I see it, manifesting is an ongoing process driven by the ability to sit with yourself, honor your truth, ground in the present, while you envision where is your higher-self leading you. Listening to the whispers of your heart as you unveil a deeper knowing of your inner waters and higher purpose. Astrology is a beautiful guide, a conscious description of the cosmic energy, but what’s most important is listening to your deep inner knowing, what you feel deep in your bones. The cosmic energy + the energy you carry withing your frequency mix up to create a unique vibration, and every time you get to be the author of the story, the weaver of the energy, the One Who Knows.

Perhaps this week you were going through something hard, and the energy we were all receiving from the Star Sirius aligned with The Sun and Planet Earth, you needed to shift it back to processing, calming your nervous system, and understanding what you had to release in order to embody your true self and go from there. I can share that I was in full creative mode and did not feel an inch of impulse to manifest, but rather just BE. I naturally danced in nature like a crazy person, sang to my Womb, and exploited in gratitude towards everything. My sexual energy was very activated, telling me something about my own process in this season of my life where I strive to honor and safeguard my body and my energy.

Confession confession, the Saturday before Lions Gate Portal peak (meaning August 6th) I went out, it had been so long since the last time I was out late at night at the bars, and I felt super weird and odd even though I was the one who planned the whole thing. I went out to support my friend’s sisters first singing gig, and she rocked it. As for me, while I was surrounded by people, I felt lonely and alienated almost through the whole night. I wasn’t sure what was happening, but I fluctuated through the whole night between wanting the dancing and singing that I normally have back home, and a deep longing for connection, the deep connections that are hard to find at the bars, or actually hard to find period. I was incredibly frustrated with life while trying to keep it together and not leave in an explosive way. The next day I felt a very deep sense of regret for my decision of going out and went into a bad spiral of questioning everything I have been doing and my process.

I asked my guides if I was really on the right path, and they said put on the music and dance. At first it felt wrong, my body almost couldn’t move, my hips were tight and contracted, my Womb felt hard and cold. I started slowly moving from my head all the way down to my feet with some good old reggaeton music in the background. I closed my eyes and really became present with my body. I could almost forget I was in my own bedroom just dancing in front of my mirror. Fast forward, 15 minutes later I was topless twerking on the carpet. Even sharing this makes me feel tension in my body, because twerking has been associated to impure, attention seeking, slutty women, when it’s one of the most empowering physical activities one can do. After my twerking and dancing session with myself I felt revitalized, lighter both in my body, mind, and spirit. I realized that while I enjoy traveling through the spiritual worlds, I am here to live a human experience, and I need to do some work around how to swim between the two worlds. Meanwhile, I just trust that the answers will come.

“And like The Moon, we must
go through phases of emptiness
to feel full again.”

Before I go any further, I want to establish something, I am not as Astrologist, or expert in the subject, but I’ve been self-studying astrology for almost two years and feel comfortable sharing my interpretations of what I feel, see, and read. I’m planning to do formal studies next year, so stay tuned! Back to the Moon and the Cosmic energy, we have a Full Moon in Aquarius today, and we are halfway through Leo Season. All the other planets are with us too, creating what we call aspects in the sky, which are different angles formed between them, that make Full Moons unique year after year. I won’t go into the aspects here, but I do want to talk about the powerful combination of Leo x Aquarius: the individual and the collective, respectively, and how we are all intertwined in a deep energetic web. Because every one of us is a unique piece in the Universe, and we are all worthy of finding the magic we carry in our bones.

This Full Moon is an invitation to dip your entire body in the waters of your Soul. The time to embody everything you are. F*ck what others say or think, f*ck what the societal norms have as correct, right, wrong, too much, too emotional, too out there, too little, too quiet, too loud. Break free of the expectations of others, navigate the fear of rejection knowing that the only acceptance you need is from yourself, and align with your true essence. Aquarius rules the collective, but Leo reminds us that the collective is made up of individuals. By changing yourself you have the power to change the collective. You might be asking yourself, how do I do this? And the answer is simple yet complicated: [start with yourself and commit to it]. Starting is easy, committing is the hard part, and I get it. There are so many ways in which we can distract ourselves, numb away from feeling, healing, and processing. It is easier to ignore, block, reject our emotions, but know that through them you find yourself, your true self, the genuine beautiful Soul you are deep within. Maybe you don’t even see it, but I can guarantee you it’s there, buried in the depth of trauma, hard feelings, fear, and societal programming.

Maybe at this point you’re already like yes, I’m ready to journal, I’m ready to do my thing and release what’s keeping me stuck. But perhaps reading this only made you feel lost, stagnant, and frustrated. It’s okay, it’s part of the process. I am still on the right path to guide you somehow, and I’ll share this, which might point you in the right direction. Every sign in the zodiac has a higher frequency and a lower frequency. When we’re born, we are given free will to work with all of it, and with every moon the opportunity to release the lower vibrations and embody the higher vibrations of the dominating signs. Today we are invited to release Leo’s shadow vibration, the one that seeks external approval and validation from others, stop depending on the love we receive from others to feel good. If you are aligned with this vibration, you may find yourself doing things to fit in with others, instead of following your own heart and letting this path bring you to your tribe.

On the other hand, Aquarius also has a shadow side, a low vibration to be observed, shifted, and released. This extreme side pushes us to forget to take personal responsibility for the problems around us, blaming it on the big societal structures, and forgetting that it’s the individuals who makes up society. If you constantly shift the blame to someone external, especially for things you could change yourself, you are aligning with the lower vibration of Aquarius, and the Full Moon is the perfect time to observe, accept, love, and transform this energy. Blaming, like pity, is a disempowering energy that makes us forget we have the Magic withing ourselves, and with every action we impact he collective.

When these two signs meet in the middle, we’re able to recognize that there is no competition, that we all carry a special medicine within our Soul that is needed in the world. We realize that we need each other, that discord and fighting bring us nowhere but rather lowers the collective vibration. Through self-love and radical acceptance, we can feel an unconditional love for everything and everyone and melt into the Oneness that governs the Universe. As we integrate the light vibrations of Leo + Aquarius, we feel empowered to feel ourselves, heal ourselves, and start showing up in the world leading with our Soul. This is the invitation and the calling today and tonight, get out see the moon, re-charge your Soul, your crystals, shed one more layer into your deep Home, and step into the next version, moving you closer to your higher vibration. Enjoy your night & I will see you soon!



Journal Prompts:

  1. Have I been living unapologetically to who I am?

  2. What stops me from embodying your most authentic self?

  3. What limiting beliefs about myself can I let go tonight?

  4. What practices help me continue coming back to my Soul Home?

Images by Pal Films & Kristia Jiménez.  Graphics are from Pinterest. Website created by Nicole Cruz.

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*Human includes male, female, transgender, cisgender, and gender non-conforming.

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